Also tonight, I was lying on the floor, and she noticed my butt... okay, she calls buttons butts, and so she noticed my belly button peaking out of my shirt. She then tried with all her might to pull my shirt down to cover my butt. Even though we have never had a modestly talk with her, she knows that both our "butts" should always be covered up! :) I hope to always be a good example to her.
Just a few fun things about Olivia:
* She calls spaghetti scobetti
* She still loves trains and cars and now trucks
* She will tilt her head to the side and say sorry mommy
* She just started calling me Mirsa instead of mommy
* She loves to be a helper
* She runs into nursery every Sunday
* She loves playing with "the kids" which is any type of playgroup (or a random little girl at the Chick-fil-a play place.) Did someone say Chick-fil-a? mmmm I love that place!
* She loves all the teenagers on the track team
We LOVE this girl!
She is always lining up her trains.
Can you believe how long her hair is?